N26 Blog

Woman using a computer.

Why become a freelancer? Here’s why freelancing is a fantastic career choice

The how and why of becoming a freelancer, as told by freelancing solopreneurs.

6 min read

Freelancer's computer, memo, pen, and mag cup on a wooden table.

When should you start freelancing?

When to start freelancing? Will there ever be a good time to quit your job and become your own boss? Discover our list of must-dos before you jump into freelancing.

4 min read

a freelancer working on a table.

10 in-demand types of freelance jobs you can land tomorrow

What freelance skills do you need to make it in the gig economy? Here’s a list of the most popular types of freelance jobs that you should consider.

6 min read

A man writing down his idea on a white book on a small wooden table.

How to become a freelancer: a step-by-step guide

Here’s our quick guide to everything you need to consider before going freelance and working for yourself.

10 min read